Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Workers' Rights Thoughts

"Fight for Fair Treatment: Don't Buy Nike is the article that I read. I think that the argument of the article is how the people in the sweatshops from getting abused and only getting paid $1.25 a day for working a full day. In the article it said, " In 2011, Steven Wright of The Associated Press reported physical and mental abuse at Nike factories. This abuse included kicking, slapping, throwing shoes at workers and making workers stand in the hot sun for making mistakes on the job." I think that it's very horrid of the people to do that to the workers because they are the ones that are basically creating the items, besides the machines of course. I also feel that it's a great idea that they are realizing the bad stuff that's happening and that they are putting a stop to it. One main thing that I was very surprised about is how they actually put them outside in the sun when they make any mistakes. That really got me mad because everyone makes mistakes and even when we make them, we improve on them and do better. It isn't really necessary to make them stand in the blazing hot weather just for one thing they made a mistake on. 

"The Sweatshop" is the poem that I read. I think that the argument is how the narrator (girl) is feeling like she is no longer a human being, she feels that she has turned into a machine when or because she is put through work and many hard things she has to deal with. If you read the poem, you notice that in stanza on, lines two to four, you can see she says,

 "That I often forget who I am.
I get lost in the frightful tumult 
My self is destroyed, I become a machine." 
The poem and the article is different because the article isn't very specific with the feelings and such. In the poem, you can feel the sadness and the way she tells how she doesn't feel human anymore, and like she feels as if she's just a machine. The poem for is more better because you can put yourself in her shoes in your mind when she expresses the emotions she has when she is going through the rough times and her explicit details on the things she says throughout the poem.

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