I've gotten quite far the past few days in "The Pretty One". So, first off, Megan ends up noticing a guy that's in her school. his name is drew and she's in absolute love with him. He's so mysterious and different from the other guys that always look at the perfect girls with perfect bodies and perfect faces. Although Megan was far from perfect, he still talked to her and that just made her admire him even more. So as you may be wondering, she finally went to the Fall Festival with Simon. But, something bad happened..... Megan felt stunning for the first time in her life, and that was just because of some size 11 dress, makeup and hair done, and googly eyes from her sister and mom. That is, until she goes to the bathroom real quick and she hears two girls come in and she hears them talking about someone. She listens very attentively, then she realizes they were talking about her, and believe me, they weren't nice things. Once she couldn't take it anymore she ended up running outside of the bathroom and into the rain all the way home. But something stops her.. a car ramming into her body and nearly killing her. But she survives, although she still needs to get some surgery done.
There are so many Aha Moments that I come across in my book. There is one specific one that I mention and that's how Megan ended up getting in an accident from when she was at her schools Fall Festival. She got hurt really badly and needed some major surgeries. Megan knew that she was definitely not going to look the same anymore seeing as if her whole face and body got messed up. But she had an Aha Moment and realized that from now on, things were going to change for her. She just didn't know if they were going to be good or bad.
Can you try to share a little more detail about this Ah-ha moment? I'm trying to picture it, but I need a little more description to understand what's going on and why this is a signpost.