Sunday, November 16, 2014

New Book "The Pretty One"

I'm currently reading a new book which is called "The Pretty One" by Cheryl Klam. So far in the book, there are three main characters which are Megan, Lucy and Simon. Megan, is the main main character because the book is in her point of view. Lucy is her sister, and she is another main character in the book since Megan talks about her. Then there's Simon, Megan's best friend. So far in the book, they have been hanging out a lot, obviously because their best friends. One connection that I can make towards this book is that I went through the same thing while I was in school, just not my sister. (BECAUSE SHE'S 20X OLDER THAN ME) (she's really old but not that old) *haha* But I would have the same  thoughts as Megan, but it would be with my best friend. But now I learn to accept the way I am. I just hope later on in the book, that Megan realizes it too.

Since I haven't really gotten to the climax of my book yet, I can't really say anything. But, there is one part in my book that I have emotion towards, and that is how she is going to the Fall Festival with Simon. In the book, Megan was talking about how she was going dress shopping with her sister and her dad. But her dad wasn't the best dad ever. He would always point out things to her that were not needed at times, and he wasn't as supportive as her mother is. Now keep in mind that Megan wasn't all that skinny. But when they went to the mall, I noticed that I could relate to the part that came up next in the book. Which was that she tried on a size 13 dress, and that didn't fit her because it was too small. But, another dress she had was a size 11 and she tried that one on and it fit her perfectly! That happened to me once when I was in the stores trying on dresses and let me tell you right now, it was one of the best feelings ever. But I could just feel how she was feeling because I've been through the exact same thing. If you can relate to what the character feels in the book. You can already tell your going to fall in love with it because you feel that it's such a perfect book. 

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