I'm so sad because I had to give up my other book "The Girl Who Was Supposed to Die". Boo Hoo! At least it was the right thing to do since it was more of a vacation book for me...
But moving forward, I ended up finding another great, and more different book than I usually read. It's called "Stuck In Neutral", by Terry Trueman. So far with what i've been reading, the book is about a boy named Shawn, and he has Cerebal Palsy. That is when you don't have any control towards your bones. He is even living his life in a wheelchair. You may think that Shawn is just some useless dumb kid with a condition and his life sucks. But in Reality, he isn't. You see, even though Shawn isn't able to speak, he can still listen to anyone and everyone's conversations. He will remember everything that someone is talking about, like he said on page 2 of the book, whether its "TV commercials, every melody I've ever listened to from boring, brain-dead country muzak to nasty rap lyrics". He was saying how he could remember all of those things, just by listening intently to those conversations or TV commercials, etc.
Shawn is the main character in the book that I'm currently reading. In my opinion, I think that Shawn is very positive. In chapter one of the book he says "I have some good news, and some bad news. Which one do you want to hear?" Instead of him starting off with the bad news he starts off with the good news. This shows that he wants to announce something that is positive instead of talking about his condition. I also feel like Shawn is very smart. He is has the ability to remember everything that he hears. As it said on page 2 of the book,"the thing is, I can remember everything I ever hear, perfectly, with total recall. I mean everything Everything! Perfectly! Totally!" This means that no matter how long any conversation, TV commercial, etc. is, he always remembers what they say. I know FOR A FACT, I can't do that because I can barely remember the last time that I called my grandma on the phone! Sheesh! He can remember everything that he hears! Wow! One amazing "ability or gift" as he calls it, to be able to remember all that!
Yay, girl! Way to get back to blogging! Keep it up!