Friday, March 27, 2015
I will be respectful towards people's beliefs and opinions. To me, tolerance means to not judge what other people think. Just recently, some of my friends didn't like what I had said. I felt really offended because it made me feel like my opinion didn't matter, and if I didn't have the same opinion that they had, then they wouldn't talk to me. Then they started to say stuff that made me feel even worse, but I stood up for myself and for my opinion. Ever since that had happened to me, I have learned in life that I shouldn't judge what other people's beliefs and opinions are, because if I didn't like it happening to me, then I shouldn't let it happen to other people as well. I feel like in the future I will be well respected, since I've learned to accept people for the way that they are and what they believe in.
Monday, March 23, 2015
Am I Invisible?
I've felt invisible many times in my life. But the main one that is most effective is when I'm with my family. They always choose to not tell me things, and they don't really care for my opinion. I feel invisible at times because I feel that they don't really think my opinion is valid when we are together. I mean, yeah sometimes they decide to hear me out. For example, with food. Haha. But when it comes to serious stuff, and I speak my opinion, which is the truth, they either don't listen, or they do, but don't do anything. But of course, it has changed, just not so much. What I did to fix it, was just stop giving my opinion on the topics we speak of. It's easier for me, and probably easier for my family. But, I think doing that just made me feel more isolated and alone. Maybe one day, I'll be able to speak my opinion, and be trusted by my family, but for now, I'd prefer to let things stay where they are.
Sunday, March 22, 2015
More On.... "The Distance Between Us"
Heyyoooooo My Beautiful Readers! Glad you came back for more!

Don't know what I'm talkin about? Check out my last couple a blogs to see catch up on a little bit I've been talking about in my book "The Distance Between Us". Well moving forward, after the day that "Alex"(Xander) came into the shop to pick up Mrs. Dalton's doll, Caymen's best friend named Sky's boyfriend Pete, invited Caymen to one of Pete's band concerts. Just a little pause here.. XANDER IS MRS.DALTON'S GRANDCHILD. May not have been a big deal for you but it was for me. But anywaayysss.... Xander overheard Pete talking to Caymen about the concert, but Caymen never went. But like a couple days after the concert, Sky and Pete came back to the doll store and Sky was telling Caymen how she and her boyfriend saw Xander at the concert. HE WAS LOOKING FOR HER. SO DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS? HE WENT FOR CAYMEN!!! I can even prove it to you! On page 37 of the book, it says, "She drags me to the floor in front of Henry. While he sings she looks over at me. "Oh someone asked about you last night."
"At Scream Shout."
" I don't know, some kid who looked like he could've owned the place. Dressed like a fancy-pants. Super white teeth." Now I'll just paraphrase the rest of it, because it sure is a heck of a long conversation they had. Going on from that, Caymen just knows that it was Xander just by the way Sky was describing him, and so she started to ask more questions. Sky ended up saying how she knew for sure that he was looking for Caymen. If you want to find out the exact words, then I suggest you read the book! For more details on what happens next, make sure to stay tuned for my next blog this week!
The point of view in this book is First Person. i know this because in the book, I find that most of the sentences include the words I, me, or mine. Another way I know is because I can read the thoughts that Caymen is thinking. For example, on Chapter 20, second paragraph 2, Caymen says, " No wonder why he was confused I didn't know what his family's business was when we first met. He probably thought I was pretending to not know who he was. I blame it on our lack of cable. I may not have known exactly who he was, but I always knew he was a somebody." This shows how Caymen feels about what is going on between Xander and herself. Caymen replays the events that had happened when they were communicating. Will Caymen be better off without him, or will be apart only make her feel worse?

Don't know what I'm talkin about? Check out my last couple a blogs to see catch up on a little bit I've been talking about in my book "The Distance Between Us". Well moving forward, after the day that "Alex"(Xander) came into the shop to pick up Mrs. Dalton's doll, Caymen's best friend named Sky's boyfriend Pete, invited Caymen to one of Pete's band concerts. Just a little pause here.. XANDER IS MRS.DALTON'S GRANDCHILD. May not have been a big deal for you but it was for me. But anywaayysss.... Xander overheard Pete talking to Caymen about the concert, but Caymen never went. But like a couple days after the concert, Sky and Pete came back to the doll store and Sky was telling Caymen how she and her boyfriend saw Xander at the concert. HE WAS LOOKING FOR HER. SO DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS? HE WENT FOR CAYMEN!!! I can even prove it to you! On page 37 of the book, it says, "She drags me to the floor in front of Henry. While he sings she looks over at me. "Oh someone asked about you last night."
"At Scream Shout."
" I don't know, some kid who looked like he could've owned the place. Dressed like a fancy-pants. Super white teeth." Now I'll just paraphrase the rest of it, because it sure is a heck of a long conversation they had. Going on from that, Caymen just knows that it was Xander just by the way Sky was describing him, and so she started to ask more questions. Sky ended up saying how she knew for sure that he was looking for Caymen. If you want to find out the exact words, then I suggest you read the book! For more details on what happens next, make sure to stay tuned for my next blog this week!
The point of view in this book is First Person. i know this because in the book, I find that most of the sentences include the words I, me, or mine. Another way I know is because I can read the thoughts that Caymen is thinking. For example, on Chapter 20, second paragraph 2, Caymen says, " No wonder why he was confused I didn't know what his family's business was when we first met. He probably thought I was pretending to not know who he was. I blame it on our lack of cable. I may not have known exactly who he was, but I always knew he was a somebody." This shows how Caymen feels about what is going on between Xander and herself. Caymen replays the events that had happened when they were communicating. Will Caymen be better off without him, or will be apart only make her feel worse?
Friday, March 13, 2015
"The Distance Between Us"
Hello My Supa Supa Awesome Readers! Are you ready to find out what this mystery boys name is? Are you ready to see if they see each other again? Well read forward to find out!
Well, to start off well, the boys name was Xander. Going back to when he purchased a doll for his grandmother. While they were looking for the perfect doll, they had a quite entertaining conversation that kept me intrigued to read more and more of the book. So if you want to find out what they had talked about, you should go check the book out! Nothin like some good ole' promo eh? Anyways, after they found the perfect doll, he rang him up and it was his and he left. She hadn't seen him in about a couple of weeks. He didn't come across her mind too much, but here and there yeah. Then when she was working another day, her favorite customer Mrs. Dalton walks through the door to check if her doll had came yet. But she was informed it wouldn't be coming until the next day. Mrs. Dalton was busy the next day, so she just says that she will send a boy named Alex to come pick it up. The next day comes and they meet one another again! What will happen next?????? Check out my next blog to find out!!!
I wanted to do another character analysis but this time on Xander since I haven't really described him yet. I think Xander is independent. Xander comes from a rich family, and his father expects him to do so many things that his father already does. For example, modeling. In the book, Caymen and Xander were having this deal as to where they look at different opportunities for each other, because they both aren't sure of what they want to do in their future. But they pick only for each other. When it was Xander's turn to choose for Caymen, he chose photography. Xander said something after Caymen completed her task. When he talked to his dad, he walked away. he told Caymen, " I hope you're taking notes. I'm so much better at pissing my family off than you are." From Xander saying that, you can tell that he isn't really fond at what situations he gets dragged and put through. He likes to follow his own footsteps and see where they lead him in life, instead of just following the footsteps of his father's.
New Book... "The Distance Between Us"
Hello wonderful readers! I FINALLY finished "Stuck In Neutral"! I'm so excited to talk about this exciting new book I have started reading!
This book is called "The Distance Between Us", by Kasie West. So far this book is about a girl named Caymen and she is an only child. She works at a doll shop with her mother, and she lives in a very very small apartment just on the upper level of the shop. Another thing to add is that Caymen and her mom are struggling really badly with money. In the book, Caymen had said, I once asked my mom if we could get a bottled juice and she told me it was expensive. I was six. That was the first time i realized we were poor. It definitely wasn't the last." This quote from the book proves that Caymen and her mom aren't on the best of terms with money. But let's get rid of this negativity and say some more positive and girly things yeah? Well, Caymen is working one day and a boy just about her age walks into the store. He purchases a doll for his grandmother and she finds out his name and everything! EEEEEEKKKKK! The best part is.... HE'S CAYUTEE!! But.... he's a rich boy.. and Caymen isn't really fond of those types of guys. Will she stick around to see if he's different? Will they ever even see one another again? Well, you'll have to check out my next blog to find out!
Caymen is very, sarcastic, smart, and outgoing. Kinda like me! Haha! I mean Caymen even says so herself in the book that she's sarcastic. She would much rather prefer the use of the term "dry". Caymen and I are similar in many ways. For example, we both don't really know what we want to do for our future. Even though it's a bit too early for me to be thinking that, it's always good to have goals. Another example is that we both are VERY sarcastic. In the book she had said something to her favorite customer that was very dry. But she knew she could talk to her like that because Mrs. Dalton actually laughs at her jokes because she understand them. She even thinks "Mrs. Dalton is a little dry herself."
This book is called "The Distance Between Us", by Kasie West. So far this book is about a girl named Caymen and she is an only child. She works at a doll shop with her mother, and she lives in a very very small apartment just on the upper level of the shop. Another thing to add is that Caymen and her mom are struggling really badly with money. In the book, Caymen had said, I once asked my mom if we could get a bottled juice and she told me it was expensive. I was six. That was the first time i realized we were poor. It definitely wasn't the last." This quote from the book proves that Caymen and her mom aren't on the best of terms with money. But let's get rid of this negativity and say some more positive and girly things yeah? Well, Caymen is working one day and a boy just about her age walks into the store. He purchases a doll for his grandmother and she finds out his name and everything! EEEEEEKKKKK! The best part is.... HE'S CAYUTEE!! But.... he's a rich boy.. and Caymen isn't really fond of those types of guys. Will she stick around to see if he's different? Will they ever even see one another again? Well, you'll have to check out my next blog to find out!
Caymen is very, sarcastic, smart, and outgoing. Kinda like me! Haha! I mean Caymen even says so herself in the book that she's sarcastic. She would much rather prefer the use of the term "dry". Caymen and I are similar in many ways. For example, we both don't really know what we want to do for our future. Even though it's a bit too early for me to be thinking that, it's always good to have goals. Another example is that we both are VERY sarcastic. In the book she had said something to her favorite customer that was very dry. But she knew she could talk to her like that because Mrs. Dalton actually laughs at her jokes because she understand them. She even thinks "Mrs. Dalton is a little dry herself."
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
What We've Been Learning In Class This Quarter!
This quarter in Ms. Belkov's Lit class, we've been learning about Upstander's. We are doing a research paper on an Upstander of our choice. I'm really excited about this one because I love learning and doing this type of stuff. If you didn't know already, an upstander is a person who stands up when they see injustice. For example, like Rosa Parks, Nelson Mandela, etc.
My Upstander is Angelina Jolie. Many of you know her, and if you don't she's an actress. She was the main character in the movie "Maleficent". She's also a director, and she recently directed a movie called "Unbroken". She has done many things to benefit society, and to me she is very inspiring. In an article that I read, I heard that she "helps launch New Centre For Women, Peace and Security". Jolie participating in this action, along with the government, they are trying to put an end to women who are victims of sexual violence. This will benefit society because it will help the women who do get abused and are victims of sexual violence.
My Upstander is Angelina Jolie. Many of you know her, and if you don't she's an actress. She was the main character in the movie "Maleficent". She's also a director, and she recently directed a movie called "Unbroken". She has done many things to benefit society, and to me she is very inspiring. In an article that I read, I heard that she "helps launch New Centre For Women, Peace and Security". Jolie participating in this action, along with the government, they are trying to put an end to women who are victims of sexual violence. This will benefit society because it will help the women who do get abused and are victims of sexual violence.
Monday, March 9, 2015
Going On With..... "Stuck In Neutral
Good Evening my fellow readers! Glad you came back!
In chapter 7, Shawn finally talks about school. He talks about the positive and sort of negative things about school. To shawn, he's not really fond of school. He refers to school as "a friggin' zoo". One thing that Shawn said in the book about school being nice was his teachers. He has one main teacher and two teachers assistants. The teachers name is Mrs. Hare, the first teachers assistant's name is William, and the second teachers assistant's name is Becky. He says many things that he likes about them. On page 38, he says that "William is an incredibly nice guy. He's about fifty and real strong and big." William ended up breaking Shawn's arm, but not purposefully. Shawn was in the middle of a seizure, and he had fallen out of his wheelchair. If William hadn't grabbed his arm, Shawn could've had a fractured skull. It was better that Shawn had a broken arm than a fractured skull, because you never know if he could've died from a fractured skull. Moving on from William, Shawn likes Becky for a rather common dudish reason. To ease this out, he basically likes her because of her body and looks. When I saw that, I was like, 'WHAT IN THE WORLD?! TYPICAL DUDE WAYS!' I wasn't even surprised once I read that first sentence of that paragraph about her. Moving on from the Becky chick, Shawn thinks Mrs. Hare is "patient, nice, a little boring, but caring." This kind of shows that Shawn isn't very fond of Mrs. Hare as he is with William and Becky. Plus, he evens says that in the story. Just a little paraphrasing action right there and badabing badaboom! Well, check out my next blog to see one thing that Shawn isn't very fond about his school!
While reading the book, I started noticing that there were SO MANY tough questions Shawn kept on asking himself. So I figured, why not put them into my second paragraph?! On page 36 of the book, paragraph 2, Shawn asks himself a few tough questions such as.... "Are these memories of real things or imagined ones? Are your dreams real or imagined? You don't imagine a dream do you?" When Shawn was asking himself these questions, I was telling myself, ' I wish I knew him personally so that I could actually be able to tell him this stuff. But of course after reading the book because I don't think I would be able to tell him anything if I didn't know what he was thinking inside his mind. I hope one day to be able to know a person with the same condition as Shawn does. Even if he can't talk or move any parts of his body. I already know how Shawn feels due to reading the book. I can only imagine how other kids with the same condition feel.
In chapter 7, Shawn finally talks about school. He talks about the positive and sort of negative things about school. To shawn, he's not really fond of school. He refers to school as "a friggin' zoo". One thing that Shawn said in the book about school being nice was his teachers. He has one main teacher and two teachers assistants. The teachers name is Mrs. Hare, the first teachers assistant's name is William, and the second teachers assistant's name is Becky. He says many things that he likes about them. On page 38, he says that "William is an incredibly nice guy. He's about fifty and real strong and big." William ended up breaking Shawn's arm, but not purposefully. Shawn was in the middle of a seizure, and he had fallen out of his wheelchair. If William hadn't grabbed his arm, Shawn could've had a fractured skull. It was better that Shawn had a broken arm than a fractured skull, because you never know if he could've died from a fractured skull. Moving on from William, Shawn likes Becky for a rather common dudish reason. To ease this out, he basically likes her because of her body and looks. When I saw that, I was like, 'WHAT IN THE WORLD?! TYPICAL DUDE WAYS!' I wasn't even surprised once I read that first sentence of that paragraph about her. Moving on from the Becky chick, Shawn thinks Mrs. Hare is "patient, nice, a little boring, but caring." This kind of shows that Shawn isn't very fond of Mrs. Hare as he is with William and Becky. Plus, he evens says that in the story. Just a little paraphrasing action right there and badabing badaboom! Well, check out my next blog to see one thing that Shawn isn't very fond about his school!
While reading the book, I started noticing that there were SO MANY tough questions Shawn kept on asking himself. So I figured, why not put them into my second paragraph?! On page 36 of the book, paragraph 2, Shawn asks himself a few tough questions such as.... "Are these memories of real things or imagined ones? Are your dreams real or imagined? You don't imagine a dream do you?" When Shawn was asking himself these questions, I was telling myself, ' I wish I knew him personally so that I could actually be able to tell him this stuff. But of course after reading the book because I don't think I would be able to tell him anything if I didn't know what he was thinking inside his mind. I hope one day to be able to know a person with the same condition as Shawn does. Even if he can't talk or move any parts of his body. I already know how Shawn feels due to reading the book. I can only imagine how other kids with the same condition feel.
Sunday, March 8, 2015
More On... "Stuck In Neutral"
What Dee Do My Wonderful Readers!
Guess What?! Jeez! You'll never find out what I found out as to why Shawn's dad wants to kill him! Nah, just kidding! I'm going to tell you right now!
Well, first off, if you read this blog, you'll be so confused because you didn't read my last blog. So if you haven't already, go check it out! Continuing on, for those of you who have read my last blog, you read that Shawn's dad is planning on killing him. I just didn't exactly elaborate as to why he wants to. Well then Jenna, are you gonna keep blabbering, or tell us?! I know, I know, I'll get to the point already! So, Shawn thinks that his dad wants to kill him because he feels bad for him. In the book, Shawn tells a story as to why he thinks his father is planning on killing him. I'm not going to go full on into the story, but I'll paraphrase some of it for you special readers. It had all started when Shawn's dad came to visit him and his family. Shawn's parents weren't together anymore due to the life of Shawn. At least, that's what he thinks. Well, when he came, his father, mother, and himself went to the backyard to talk and such. Shawn's mother got a phone call and went into the house to talk. So while that was happening, his father was trying to communicate with him. His father found it useless once again. But all of a sudden, a crow came and kept cawing at them both, and his father somehow got mad and started yelling at the crow. He got so mad that he threw a glass of iced tea at it. I flew away, and everything was back to normal. After all of that ruckus, his dad started to talk to him again. He was telling him what could Shawn have done to protect himself if his father weren't even there and his mother went inside for the phone call. Then he was telling him how helpless Shawn was. That's why Shawn had the idea that his father wants to kill him. Will he? Or will his father find another way to fix things?
Today in my second paragraph, I'm going to be talking about conflicts. One of the main conflicts that occurs in the book is person vs. self. In the book, Shawn faces many internal obstacles such as, insecurities, doubts, questions, etc. For example, in the book, Shawn had been asking himself many different questions that he wanted to know the answer to. " What does your arm feel like throwing a baseball? Your fingers holding a pencil? What do your lips feel when you kiss somebody?" is a quote from the book. He was asking himself many different questions that he wanted various answers to, but couldn't really figure them out, hence the condition he has.
Well, first off, if you read this blog, you'll be so confused because you didn't read my last blog. So if you haven't already, go check it out! Continuing on, for those of you who have read my last blog, you read that Shawn's dad is planning on killing him. I just didn't exactly elaborate as to why he wants to. Well then Jenna, are you gonna keep blabbering, or tell us?! I know, I know, I'll get to the point already! So, Shawn thinks that his dad wants to kill him because he feels bad for him. In the book, Shawn tells a story as to why he thinks his father is planning on killing him. I'm not going to go full on into the story, but I'll paraphrase some of it for you special readers. It had all started when Shawn's dad came to visit him and his family. Shawn's parents weren't together anymore due to the life of Shawn. At least, that's what he thinks. Well, when he came, his father, mother, and himself went to the backyard to talk and such. Shawn's mother got a phone call and went into the house to talk. So while that was happening, his father was trying to communicate with him. His father found it useless once again. But all of a sudden, a crow came and kept cawing at them both, and his father somehow got mad and started yelling at the crow. He got so mad that he threw a glass of iced tea at it. I flew away, and everything was back to normal. After all of that ruckus, his dad started to talk to him again. He was telling him what could Shawn have done to protect himself if his father weren't even there and his mother went inside for the phone call. Then he was telling him how helpless Shawn was. That's why Shawn had the idea that his father wants to kill him. Will he? Or will his father find another way to fix things?
Today in my second paragraph, I'm going to be talking about conflicts. One of the main conflicts that occurs in the book is person vs. self. In the book, Shawn faces many internal obstacles such as, insecurities, doubts, questions, etc. For example, in the book, Shawn had been asking himself many different questions that he wanted to know the answer to. " What does your arm feel like throwing a baseball? Your fingers holding a pencil? What do your lips feel when you kiss somebody?" is a quote from the book. He was asking himself many different questions that he wanted various answers to, but couldn't really figure them out, hence the condition he has.
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